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Netherlands Court of Audit

The Netherlands Court of Audit checks the government. The emphasis is on finances, but money is intertwined with almost anything, so the issues were diverse: from meadow birds to fraud, to housing shortage, to cyber security. From 2019 to 2024 I helped the communication department tell complex stories in an accessible and visual way. Often, I was literally drawing along with the researchers, to get the story right and clear on paper.

Reports ‘Afpakken’ en ‘Witwassen’

Report ‘Focus op inhuur van docenten’

Report ‘Een Nederlandse uitkering in het buitenland’

Report ‘Betalingsregelingen bij uitvoeringsorganisaties van het Rijk’

Report ‘Aanpak woningtekort’

Report ‘Digitale dijkverzwaring’

Report ‘Focus op handhaving Belastingdienst bij schijnzelfstandigheid’

Report ‘Focus op digitaal thuiswerken’

Report ‘Digitalisering aan de grens’